VERSION=$(shell cat VERSION)And later on it was possible to use the variable as a definition argument for the C compiler:
program.o: program.c $(CC) -DVERSION=$(VERSION) -o $@In the code it was possible to craft a version message by the use of this definition.
fprintf (stderr, "program version %s\n", VERSION);
In Java things are much more complicated. It is common practice in Java to store the version number of a program not in the code of the program itself but in the Manifest file of the JAR, which contains the program. The correct manifest attribute is call Implementation-Version. But there is no simple way to reference the Manifest attributes in a program. Instead it is necessary to calculate a resource URL for the Manifest file based on a class, which is in the same JAR. This URL can be opened as a stream and this stream can be used to parse the contents of the Manifest. The following example shows the class ManifestAttributes, which does this.
class manifest { static int n = 0; static void debug (Object message) { System.err.println ("#" + n + "# " + message); n = n + 1; } public static class ManifestAttributes { private java.util.jar.Attributes attributes; public ManifestAttributes () { Class this_class = ManifestAttributes.class; String class_name = this_class.getName(); String class_path = class_name.replace (".", "/") + ".class"; String class_url = this_class.getResource(class_path).toString(); String manifest_url = class_url.replace (class_path, "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); stream = null; java.util.jar.Manifest manifest; try { stream = new; manifest = new java.util.jar.Manifest(stream); } catch ( exception) { throw new RuntimeException (exception); } finally { try { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch ( exception) { throw new RuntimeException (exception); } } attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes(); } public String get (String key) { return attributes.getValue(key); } } public static void main (String[] args) { ManifestAttributes attributes = new ManifestAttributes(); debug (attributes.get("Manifest-Version")); debug (attributes.get("x")); } } // Local Variables: // compile-command: "javac && jar cvfe manifest.jar manifest manifest*.class && java -jar manifest.jar" // End: